An Interview with Gerald J. Prokopowicz


An Interview with Gerald J. Prokopowicz Jonathan W. White Gerald J. Prokopowicz is professor of history at East Carolina University and a longtime member of The Lincoln Forum Advisory Board. A highly sought-after public speaker and battlefield tour guide, Prokopowicz is perhaps best known as the host of the popular podcast Civil War Talk Radio, […]

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Book Review: Caroline E. Janney, Ends of War


Caroline E. Janney, Ends of War: The Unfinished Fight of Lee’s Army after Appomattox  Reviewed by Burrus M. Carnahan How can a democracy turn from a state of civil war to a state of peace? After April 9, 1865, US military officers, government officials, and ordinary citizens wrestled with this problem in the months following Lee’s […]

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History as Portrayed in Art: An Interview with Harold Holzer

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History as Portrayed in Art: An Interview with Harold Holzer Sara Gabbard  Sara Gabbard: Please explain the circumstances under which you and your co-authors (Gabor Boritt and Mark Neely, Jr.) undertook this enormous project. Harold Holzer: Back in 1982—it’s hard to believe it was 40 years ago!—the three of us began discussing Lincoln engravings and […]

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An Interview with Jonathan W. White

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An Interview with Jonathan W. White by Sara Gabbard   Sara Gabbard: Please describe the Center for American Studies at Christopher Newport University. Jonathan White: The Center for American Studies is a group of faculty on campus who seek to help students gain a better understanding of American history and political thought. Every year we […]

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An Interview with Eric Foner about his new book:  The Second Founding:  How the Civil War and Reconstruction Remade the Constitution

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Sara Gabbard:  Please explain the significance of the fact that “Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation” was added to the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments. Eric Foner:  The fact that each of the Reconstruction amendments ends with a section empowering Congress to enforce its provisions illustrates the radical change in […]

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An Interview with Allen Guelzo 

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Sara Gabbard: When you are “on the road” lecturing about Lincoln and the Civil War, what questions do members of the audience ask most frequently? Do responses from your students reflect the same interests?    Allen Guelzo: Far and away, the most-frequently-asked question I encounter from audiences is, “Would things have been different if Lincoln had […]

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Books: An Interview with Harold Holzer


Sara Gabbard:  Some of our readers already know, but for those who don’t:  Why did Lincoln become your lifelong focus? Harold Holzer: The “why” is harder to isolate than the “how.”  It began for me in a fifth grade classroom in a rural neighborhood of New York City (yes, there was such a thing in […]

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