Lincoln and McClellan: SET IN STONE?


Lincoln and McClellan: SET IN STONE? George C. Rable Mention George B. McClellan to students of the American Civil War, and the response is predictable. They know McClellan as a foil to Lincoln who might be able to organize an army but was reluctant to commit it to combat. As Lincoln once said, McClellan had […]

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A Right Smart Get Out


A Right Smart Get Out by M. Kelly Tillery Logan Circle Philadelphia 71.2009.083.2382 It is difficult to imagine, much less fully appreciate, that in June of 1864 the democratic republic as a form of government was extremely rare and under siege.  This nation was the only large democracy, other than Britain, though that nation restricted […]

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Interview with Brian Dirck


An Interview with Brian Dirck about his new book, The Black Heavens: Abraham Lincoln and Death  (Southern Illinois University Press, 2019)   Sara Gabbard:  You undertook a monumental task in writing on this subject.  What led you to accept the challenge? BD: Well, “The Black Heavens” could almost be a case study in how books […]

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Interview with Jay Winik

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Interview with Jay Winik by Sara Gabbard Cover of April 1865: The Month that Saved America, by Jay Winik, 2001 71.2009.084.13230 Sara Gabbard: Your book April 1865: The Month that Saved America is a “must read” for those intent on understanding the ramifications of the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War, and the aftermath […]

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An Interview with Hon. Frank J. Williams on the Concept of Just War


Unidentified Indiana Soldiers, LN-2353 Sara Gabbard:    How far back in history can you trace the concept of Just War? Frank Williams:  In the first millennium, Christians in the Roman Empire, who originally rejected any form of warfare in accordance with their beliefs, ultimately adopted a “Just War” rationale to the use of force against nations […]

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