History as Portrayed in Art: An Interview with Harold Holzer

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History as Portrayed in Art: An Interview with Harold Holzer Sara Gabbard  Sara Gabbard: Please explain the circumstances under which you and your co-authors (Gabor Boritt and Mark Neely, Jr.) undertook this enormous project. Harold Holzer: Back in 1982—it’s hard to believe it was 40 years ago!—the three of us began discussing Lincoln engravings and […]

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Entertainment in Lincoln’s Springfield (1834-1860)


By Richard E. Hart This essay is a summary of the book Entertainment in Lincoln’s Springfield (1834-1860) by Richard E. Hart and published by the Abraham Lincoln Association in November of 2017. The public entertainments within a community are a good barometer of how its residents use their free time and what type of entertainments […]

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